Thursday, February 20, 2025

Too Late Smart

Out in the Pennsylvina Dutch country in the Eastern part of the state, dozens of souviner stores fill the rural towns and villlages. Among the coffee mugs, Tee shirts, candles and oteher things are iitems  with the phrase “We grow old too soon ane too late smart.”


As I have gotten older, I am recalling what a dumbass I was as I wolrried Cc about stupid things instead of doing what was right. Here are two things involving my high school and early college days.




Debbie was a high school classmate who also attended County College of Morris. During high school, we put on Bye Bye Birdie as the class musical. Included in the cast was Randolph, a kid brother of about 10. The cast was set except for Randolph. I suggested Debbie, who was well under 5 feet tall. The idea was greeted with enthauism and Debbie was rehersing the next day. One of the most cheerful girls in the class, she helped all of us to keep our spirits high.


She went to prom with my best friend and after school was over he found another girl and we dated for a short time. The college had a dance at an off-campus venue. And the guy she was with was very drunk and somewhat hostile. The right thing to do was, of course, to offer her a ride home. So why didn’t I? Because I was with a date and I was way too self centered to bring her and an ex-girlfriend together.


Dumbass, dumbass, dumbass.  I avoided class reunions until our 45th in 2011. It was then I learned she died in her 40s. I don’t now the reason, but I was very sad. And the dance event from decades ago continues to haunt me. She had too much joy to die so soon.



I transferred to Morristown High in the middle of my freshman year. It was a difficult time for me. It seemed most of my classmates had already formed friendships and cliques and finding friends was difficult.


In the middle of my senior year, Marie joined our homeroom and was pretty much ignored. She sat right behind me and we would talk. She also had a happy, friendly personality. She had bright, red hair and a smile that brightened up my mornings. She did have a problem as her face was ravaged with acne scars. 

I had thought about asking her on a date. But I was concerned about how people would react seeing me with her. Dumbass, dumbass, dumbass. Instead

The last time I saw her was a few days before school ended. I don’t think she went to graduation. In all my adult life, I don’t think I ever met a nicer girl. You can certainly was a loser. Too late smart. :-( 

Thursday, March 7, 2024



On Wednesday, 3/6/34, I received a call from Houston Texas – 346-327-3901 – claiming they were from Amazon. The person said I had bought an Apple laptop  for $1799.99. I told them I didn’t and after much discussion, including the delivery place was in Tenessee, they said they were transferring me to my bank’s fraud department. 


At the alleged fraud department, I was asked what other products I purchased from Amazon. There was very bad reception. Since I at my doctor’s office, I didn’t have internet and asked the person to call me back. Again, poor reception, even when I moved outside. This time the number – 202-992-5600 – still had bad reception. I told them to call back later. After that, I stopped answering calls and got around a dozen from BOTH numbers. I finally answered one of them and told them I think this is a fraud and would go to my bank to deal with it. The calls stopped. I went to my on-line bank account and there was no record of this purchase. 


Then, I went to, searched for Apple laptops and learned there were no computers for sale at that price.  I then went to and learned the top price for their newest top-of-the-line laptop model is $100 less than what the scammers claimed.



Tuesday, December 5, 2023

It takes one to…

I have grown up thinking that I shouldn’t be judgemental. I learned about the idea of “walk a mile in his shoes” as a young boy scout. 


But Donald Trump is an egomaniacal fool, or a very sick person. Probably both.


How do I know this? Because it takes one to know one.


Anyhow. I now live in Florida, a state populated by extreme right people and their equally insane leaders. So I want you, and them, to understand where I’m coming from. 


You should know that I am under the influence of Rachel Maddow and Liz Cheney, I just finished reading Maddow’s “Prelude” and listening to her podcast called “Ultra,” both are about how Nazi spies influenced 1930s and 1940s pre-war right wingers to attempt a bloody coup in the United States through congressmen and other influencers.


I am now “reading” Cheney’s

 “Oath and Honor” on Audible as it is not yet available on Kindle. Thus far, Cheney reads her book without the passion I expected but lays out a damning case against Trump following the election but prior to the Jan. 6 uprising.  It is clear that Trump, not to mention his most ardent supporters, was aware he lost the election but refuses to concede while plotting to nullify the eldctrol vote count. 


I have yet to continue to read the book but I have watched several of her interviews, including one with Maddow, who points out that from a political point of view, they couldn’t be further apart. 


But this isn’t about these two women.  It’s about my personal viewpoint.


I first heard of Trump in the 1980s when he was able to rebuild a skating rink in New York City when no one else was successful. It earned him some prestige among New Yorkers which he parlayed into a business book called “The Art of the Deal,” which was entirely ghost written.


Working in the city, I would sometimes browse bookstores. I found the book in the $2 overstock bin and after scanning it, I found it was more about Trump than business deals and I ignored it.


The next I heard about Trump was when he demanded that four Black young men be severely punished for attacking a woman in Central Park. They were innocent. During that time it was revealed that Trump and his father lost court cases when they refused to allow people of color to rent their apartments.


I am proud to say I never watched his reality television series.


Then came the day he took the escalator down Trump Tower to the cheers of dozens of attractive young people. I didn’t care about his attacks on Mexicans. What got to me was that cheering crowd were out-of-work Broadway actors who were paid $50 for the two hours of cheering him on. I immediately decided he was a fraud. 


And when I learned how he stiffed his contractors and others, I decided he was a criminal. And as his pronouncements piled up, I absolutely knew he was a fucking liar.


 Another thing I want to express was throughout his time in office, there was absolute chaos as people were constantly fired, especially his chiefs of staff.


I want to add just two things: how many hundreds of thousands died because of denial of the realities of Covid while we stayed in our homes and wore masks and couldn’t even go to church? Perhaps he was also a killer?




I am too old and disabled to ever be an anti-MAGA activist but you can bet your ass I will vote against Trump in any election. 


I have two hats that say “Make America Sane Again.” I thought that might have happened when Republicans lost the presidency, house and senate in 2020. But I fear the only time that will happen is when The Donald leaves our planet. Though since we're the same age, perhaps he will become a senile egomaniac.

Friday, October 27, 2023

Fear and scaring in Sarasota

Letter to a store manager

I'm not the biggest fan of Walmart, but it seemed like every one in the store was there when I needed them.


Oct.27, 2023


Store Manager Jarad


Lockwood Ridge Road

Sarasota, FL 34243


Dear Jarad,


While I spend several thousand dollars per year at your store, I have never experienced so much help from many of your associates until today.


You see, I lost my phone. Frankly, I was very scared and upset. For one thing, I do not drive. I have to depend on Uber and that means I need my phone or I am marooned in your building. I. had nightmare visions of spending the night sleeping on a table. 


Anyhow, here is what happened. First, I went to the pharmacy to pick up a prescription and get my flu and Covid shots. 


After that, I picked up some groceries. And then, I checked out. While checking out I had a problem with one of my credit cards. I thought I had properly activated it, but failed to do so, and used my debit card instead.


Anyhow, I decided to check out the Holiday store. For more than a decade, Walmart has sold cute little holiday teddy bears with the year imprinted on the foot. It isn’t available yet, which is not unusual. But I used the phone to take a photo of a Christmas tree I was interested in. Then, while shopping for some gift bags, I got a phone message from my credit card company telling me why my credit card was refused and how to activate it. 


Anyhow, I went to the register to pay for the gift bags and discovered my phone was missing!


Not think very straight, I went to the first place I used the phone – the pharmacy. I had a notice when my prescription was filled. They didn’t have it, but the pharmacist on duty was kind enough to dial the number to no avail. 


Next, I went to the register where I checked out. The cashier was gone and the lane was closed, but one of your associates was using the area to apparently organize merchandise. He too, called the phone, again to no avail. But he referred me to another register which was designated for use as a lost-and-found station. The person there (perhaps a CSM?) went through the drawers but didn’t find it.He also tried calling the phone with the same results.


It was on to the Christmas tree area where an associate went throughout the entire area ringing me and searching for the phone without any results.

I then went to the area wheI I found the gift bags to no avail.


Having worked for five years at Walmarts on Long Island, I finally realized that just about the only person in the store who could walk around with me searching would be a manager.


Now, nearly hysterical, GM Coach Carrie arrived and in a calming voice asked me to review what I had done. I finally had figured out something of the last place I had been and we headed towards the Christmas section. She dialed my number and immediately found the phone by the gift bags. I had left it upside down and it was difficult to see and hear with my older eyes and ears. 


She continued to talk to me, further calming me down and I was finally able to order an Uber to get me home.


Again, so many people expressed their concern and willingness to help that I have to congratulate you on the magnificent core of associates you have.




Michael Munzer

Thursday, October 26, 2023


Just a thought.


Our current political climate can be traced back half a century, or even longer. 


Buried under Nixon was Agnew. He was forced to resign after facing extensive bribery charges. I cannot comprehend how Americans could support Trump, due to his track record and moral recklessness. And how is Biden charged with financial issues with absolutely no proof?


It started with the Nixon nightmare. Except for 9/11, we have continued to become a nation of haters. Even then we found a new group of our citizens to hate, despite the fact that, unlike the terrorists, they fled their former homes to leave the oppressive and extreme Muslim culture.


When I was a student teacher, years before 9/11, I had a couple of students whose family fled the Islamic revolution in Iran. One of the students was a young teen who insisted on becoming as ‘American’ as possible. She insisted she wanted to become a Christian because that’s who Americans were. 


A few years later, during the 2002-03 school year, I taught a young student who lived on the lower East Side. Wearing a head covering every day, she rarely spoke and appeared to live in fear. She ate alone at lunch. A year earlier, the school’s playground was used as a staging ground for rescuing 9/11 victims. 


Politics in MY country has become convoluted and filled with rage. I once lived in a time when the minority party was called “the loyal opposition.”

Discourse was usually civil.


I’ve come to realize that, unlike previous years, I’m getting too old to care. If I live long enough, I’ll vote against Trump or whoever the GOP candidate is. But many of the friends who once made wonderful advocates for both sides are gone. It’s not so much fun anymore. Politics has gone from a great sport to all-out war tearing apart friends and family. 


It reminds me of the ‘War of Northern Aggression,’ which still has  roots in today’s climate as the differences between north (liberal) and south (conservative) cultures are filled with fear and distrust. How many times over our lives have we commented that the south is still fighting the Civil War? Yet even if we spend a day at Gettysburg, we still fail to realize how high the cost of that heritage is. Is it ‘history’ and has little to do with us, or are we doomed to repeat it by not learning from it?


Those of my high school classmates who are still alive remain clinging to different sides. We lost our innocence with the JFK and MLK murders. Here was a group that elected four Black classmates as our senior year officers, not because of the civil rights era we lived in, but simply because the incumbent group of privilege did a poor job. 


Today we remain divided. I’m so grateful that we had our 50th reunion before Trump took office. Trump’s heritage of division, incompetence and election denial has polarized us.


It's my belief Trump never would have considered running for president if he hadn’t been so brutally teased by Obama at a White House Correspondents Club dinner. The man’s ego isn’t built to take a joke. We can all agree the Trump family has a history of racism. Court records give us a pattern of ongoing discrimination in their real estate business. Here was a man who was satirized and humbled in a most public forum by a man he grew up considering racially and economically inferior. He is a man so prideful that he could have no choice but to seek validation in the presidential arena, especially since his ‘birther’ claims proved to be false.


And his denial of the 2020 election results continues to inflame our nation and deeply encourages chaos in light of both civil and criminal charges. He simply could not accept defeat and repudiation and though his supporters will deny it, this is an example of a childish temper tantrum over incredibly high stakes. 


Yet many still believe his Jan. 6 behavior and its consequences are justified. Back in our senior year, we could never have imagined something like this.


But we should not be surprised. We quickly entered – and perhaps even caused – the civil strife over Vietnam and the rise of the counterculture. We were the ones who made drugs socially acceptable ­– and some of our best and brightest have died because of it. It is something we have passed down to our children. At the turn of the century, I taught special ed children. Many of these children were abandoned by their parents and their grandparents freely admitted that the mothers used drugs during pregnancy. But the deniers blame vaccines. 


We then went through Watergate, which was followed by impeachment of Clinton over sexual misconduct. Yet so many of us will freely admit to cheating.


And then on 9/11, we seemed to unify. But we also found a new group of our citizens to fear and hate. And Trump vocalized that fear and hate.


And we attacked Trump because of his “Stormy” relationship and three wives, the latest of whom frequently displays public hostility towards him. But I wonder if impeachment is justified over Clinton’s blow job or over Trump’s phone calls? In neither call did Trump get satisfaction. Hopefully Clinton did ( That’s a joke –  sort of).


Until January 6, we can view the former president as a man of many character flaws, disorganization, impulsive behavior and very poor decision making. His public lies and misinformation number in the thousands.


Though Trump is not an example of a “good” person, the reason I feel he has so much support is he is so much like us.


The fact is we deserve the leaders we have and may have killed the ones we need.   


Just a thought. 

Thursday, April 13, 2023

Harry Chapin and the girls in juvenile confinemen

I did a lot of substitute teaching on Long Island, which included Madonna Heights, a place for girls not unlike the farm for boys I lived in while growing up in New Jersey.


These were girls who were often in trouble but not really criminals and the purpose of the place was to keep them protected and safe more than anything else.


Anyhow, this was a long-teerm gig and the principal told me that the girls, mostly of high school age, lkked poetry. So I decided to move in that direction.


I started to recite Harry Chapin’s classic  “Taxi,” knowing that these girls probably never heard of it. It was four decades since the record came out and Chapin had been dead 30 years. After I recited it, there was a lot of conversation, especially about the lyric: “We learned about love in the back of a Dodge. . .the lesspn hadn’t gone too far.” There was a lot of discussion about how the girls would have sex with the boys and then get dumped, especially after they came to this place. A few of them got pregnant during Christmas recess and could not stay there if they got an abortion, This place was run by the Catholic church.


I led them into a discussion about how our hopes and dreams never happened as we hoped and asked them to write about that in a poem, or in a letter to someone, perhaps God as they saw him.


The results were astonishing. Some of these girls were really talented writers. They poured their hearts into it.


The next day we did another Harry Chapin song/poem called “Dogtown.”


It is about the town of Gloucester, Massachusetts. Since colonial times, it hass been a fishing village. Today, it is home to Gortons Fish.


Over it’s long history, many of the fishermen from the town have been lost at sea and there is a statue of a sailor in a rain slicker gripping a steering wheel called “They that go down to the sea in ships,“ based on a Bible quotation.  Surrounding the front of the statue is a fence listing all the sailors who had perished. 



A few hundred yards down the road is another statue about a woman looking out to sea with a baby in her arms waiting and hoping her husband would return.

Chapin wrote about these women. He picks one woman who married her husband and he left for the whaling trip ten days later: “He took me up to Dogtown the dday I was a bride. We had ten days together before he left my side. He’s the first mate on a whaling ship, the keeper of the. Log. He said ‘farewell my darling, I’m going to leave you with my dog.’”


The girls were very upset the woman had only ten days for her honeymoon. I askled them what they knew of the Puritans from their history lessons. This was the town they settled in.  I noted that the first ttime they ever kissed was possibly when they got married as there were very strong religious rules then. The sailor had gone to Boston to find his bride and they were strictly chaperoned. 

The woman, now a three-time widow, frequently walks along the coast ranting and raving. The song ends with these verses:

“Sitting by the fireside, the embers slowly die.
Is it a sign of weakness when a woman wants to cry?
The dog is closely watching the fire glints in his eye.
No use to go to sleep this early, no use to even try.

My blood beats like a woman's,
I've got a woman's breast and thighs.
But where am I to offer them
To the ocean or the skies?

Living with this silent dog
All the moments of my life,
He has been my only husband;
Am I a widow, or his wife?

Yes, it's a Dogtown and it's a fog town,
And there's nothing around 'cept the sea pounding granite ground
And this black midnight horror of a hound.

I'm standing on this craggy cliff,
My eyes fixed on the sea.
Six months past, when his ship was due, I'm a widow to be.
For liking this half living with the lonely and the fog,
You need the bastard of the mating of a woman and a dog.

And I have seen the splintered timbers of a hundred shattered hulls,
Known the silence of the granite and the screeching of the gulls,
I've heard that crazy widow Cather walk the harbor as she raves
At the endless rolling whisper of the waves.”


Dogtown was the place where these impoverished widows and orphans moved to. It was an area about a mile inland from the coast and the women lived in shacks. Alll that remains is a few ruins. The rest is woods and the road into the area is chained off. If you want to visit, you have to hike in and many a tourist has become lost there.


The girls in the class responded to the thought of not having anyone to offer their breasts and thighs to. They were all sexually active and thought about their “dry spells.” They also absolutely hated ‘the bastard of a mating of a woman and a dog’ line. I shared the line before that about how Chapin wanted to show the horrors of living in this place.


We continued to review poetry for another week with more mainstream poets. 

But the girls didn’t respond with as much emotion to these poems as Chapin’s.

During that time, I discovered “Sequel.” It’s a follow-up song to “Taxi,” ten years later. It’s about how Chapin, now a very successful singer, returns to San Francisco and visits the woman in the song. She has left the luxury of 16 Parkside Lane and has learned to like herself. In the original ‘Taxi,” the woman had wanted to be an actress and he had wanted to learn to fly.  And she acted hppy inside her handsome home while he flew in his taxi stoned.

Chapin concludes this song as follows:

So I thought about her as I sang that night
And how the circle keeps rolling around
How I act as I'm facing the footlights
And how she's flying with both feet on the ground

I guess it's a sequel to our story
From the journey 'tween Heaven and Hell
With half the time thinking of what might have been
And half thinkin' just as well
I guess only time will tell.


The girls were quiet for some time. And I repeated the last line. I said that they will decide what their time will tell. Their future has yet to be written. But they need to create and follow a plan. The plan would be subject to constant change but having a goal will keep them out of worse places then Madonna Heights.


Maybe you know a girl like these?





Monday, April 10, 2023

Top Ten Women

 My top ten female entertainers


I see any number of top ten lists and so I’m being a joiner. My top ten have a somewhat different standard as they are actors and/or singers rather than from one category. Another factor is a personal sex appeal. 

So let’s take a look.


10. Martina McBride. 

A beautiful country singer, YouTube has a number of live performances and she is “real” instead of what a director thinks of her in music videos. She has a love affair with her audiences.


9. Nataile Wood. 

An amazing actress from the ‘40s on, she is best known for her role as Maria in ‘West Side Story’ (though her singing was dubbed). She held major roles in many films. As a child actress, she co-starred in ‘Miracle on 34th Street.’ My favorite film as an adult was ‘Love With The Proper Stranger.’


To me, her incredible eyes and face were one of the most appealing of any actress of her time.


8. Juice Newton. This country singer has an incredible voice and stole my teenage heart with her ‘Angel of the Morning.’

Her long mane of hair is her best feature.


7. Shaina Twain.

Beautiful voice and incredible body but her smile is captivating. Man, I feel like that woman. Look at her ‘I’m having a Party’ video on YouTube to see just how her smile will drive any man to desire.


6. Denise Richards.

While she has played much more sexy and mature roles, I am convinced she is one of the most beautiful women on any planet from her role in ‘Starship Troopers.’ I saw the movie because the original book was written by my favorite author. But was stunned by her fabulous innocent-to-warrior face. 


5. Speak Easy Three (tie)

What man would not want enjoy the ultimate fantasy of a trio of a beautiful blond, sexy brunette and fiery redhead women. Check out their ‘When I get low, I get high’ video on YouTube. The way they sync both their bodies and eyes is awesome.


4. Ladyva (pronounced La Diva)

This Swiss beauty is probably the best female Boogie Woogie piano player in the world. She is also a fairly good singer. This Swiss miss has a lovely body and shows off her long, shapely legs with her tight short skirts and dresses. I also love her long, straight, hippie-style straight hair.


3. (tie Morgan James and Hailey Reinhart).

Both these women are part of Post-Modern Jukebox, the famed collective group of musicians. They can sing anything from swing to jazz to ssoul to standards and just about any style of music. 

Each beauty has a somewhat different voice, but make beautiful music and audiences love them.


2. Katharine Ross. 

I fell in love with her beauty in ‘The Graduate’ and she continued to grab my heart in ‘Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.’ I do have one problem with her. She had the good sense to marry Sam Elliot instead of me.


NUMBER ONE Rita Hayworth.

She could, and did, outdance Fred Astaire and every other partner. Sexy as a person and in single roles, she had a come hither smile and a face that said let’s get excited.


Honorable mentions:

Marilyn Monroe, Raquel Welch, Sophia Loren. These beauties were very well known, but I wasn’t especially turned on by them.

Olivia Newton John, I fell in love with her pre-Grease country music. I honestly loved it.