I’ve just taken a week off from Facebook. Everybody was
screaming bloody murder about what President Trump, whom I can’t stand, is
doing. But I had to get away from the haters. Yes, many are concerned about
Trump, with good reason, but I see far too much from “news” sites I never heard
of until this year. Yes, fake news.
You know what he’s doing? He’s fulfilling his campaign
promises. I don’t understand why so many find it shocking. He’s doing exactly
what he said he would. And while I personally think his actions are amateur –
and after all, he is an amateur – he is doing the things he was elected to do.
And frankly, the problem isn’t Trump. It’s the Congress. It
is overwhelmingly Republican and many of these people are even nuttier than 45.
So why are we so shocked? I, as a former newspaper reporter
and editor who covered the Nixon years, am astounded to find I agree with
Trump’s contention that the media is the enemy. Let’s look at the inauguration.
It was clear that there were fewer people at Trump’s inauguration than Obama’s.
So what? The media made a big deal out of it. It’s a non-story. What should
have been covered is what the President said in his address. Throughout the
campaign, what I read in newspapers I respect, especially the New York Times
and Washington Post, was completely unbalanced. I expect slanted news from
MSNBC and Fox News, but to see what happened with CNN astounds me. Clearly,
there is more than bias.
And there are dozens of different attacks going on regarding
his cabinet appointments. Every
President has had the right to name the people whom he wants to work for him.
President John F. Kennedy named his brother attorney general. The fact is that
people who oppose the status quo are being appointed. Trump based his campaign
on opposing the status quo.
We now have Betsy DeVos heading the Education Department. So
what? Republicans have already introduced legislation to eliminate it. And the
fact is that the department has failed, under leadership in both parties, to
fix the mess education is in. And it should be eliminated and given back to the
states to handle. How can you make the same national standards to help the
children in the slums of New York City and the farm boys and girls in Wall, SD
– population: about 800? What is the big deal about Betsy? She’s a
businesswoman who will administer the take down of the department.
And our new attorney general is a bigot. Bigots apparently
hold the political power.
There was a raid on terrorists in Yemen. I would venture
that at least 90 percent of Americans have no clue where to find it on a map.
An American soldier died, as did some civilians, including children. While this
is tragic, we are involved in a W-A-R. People, including soldiers, civilians and,
yes, even children, will die. Yet the media is screaming about it.
So what is to be done? RUN FOR OFFICE. If you don’t like
what is going on, become a board of ed member, a town councilperson, a county
politician. Join the political party of your choice and start fundraising and
looking towards 2018 when you can take back the Congress.
BUT ABOVE ALL, stop acting like Trump by crying how unfair
it is. Man up and realize the next four years are going to be filled with
changes you won’t like. Realize that electing someone other than Trump is not
the issue. Taking over Congress is what is necessary. Get ‘er done.