Out in the Pennsylvina Dutch country in the Eastern part of the state, dozens of souviner stores fill the rural towns and villlages. Among the coffee mugs, Tee shirts, candles and oteher things are iitems with the phrase “We grow old too soon ane too late smart.”
As I have gotten older, I am recalling what a dumbass I was as I wolrried Cc about stupid things instead of doing what was right. Here are two things involving my high school and early college days.
Debbie was a high school classmate who also attended County College of Morris. During high school, we put on Bye Bye Birdie as the class musical. Included in the cast was Randolph, a kid brother of about 10. The cast was set except for Randolph. I suggested Debbie, who was well under 5 feet tall. The idea was greeted with enthauism and Debbie was rehersing the next day. One of the most cheerful girls in the class, she helped all of us to keep our spirits high.
She went to prom with my best friend and after school was over he found another girl and we dated for a short time. The college had a dance at an off-campus venue. And the guy she was with was very drunk and somewhat hostile. The right thing to do was, of course, to offer her a ride home. So why didn’t I? Because I was with a date and I was way too self centered to bring her and an ex-girlfriend together.
Dumbass, dumbass, dumbass. I avoided class reunions until our 45th in 2011. It was then I learned she died in her 40s. I don’t now the reason, but I was very sad. And the dance event from decades ago continues to haunt me. She had too much joy to die so soon.
I transferred to Morristown High in the middle of my freshman year. It was a difficult time for me. It seemed most of my classmates had already formed friendships and cliques and finding friends was difficult.
In the middle of my senior year, Marie joined our homeroom and was pretty much ignored. She sat right behind me and we would talk. She also had a happy, friendly personality. She had bright, red hair and a smile that brightened up my mornings. She did have a problem as her face was ravaged with acne scars.
I had thought about asking her on a date. But I was concerned about how people would react seeing me with her. Dumbass, dumbass, dumbass. Instead
The last time I saw her was a few days before school ended. I don’t think she went to graduation. In all my adult life, I don’t think I ever met a nicer girl. You can certainly was a loser. Too late smart. :-(