Note: From time to time I will update you regarding the diabetic numbers and pounds. When I wrote this, I was 252 lbs. I am now 245, having lost seven lbs. My sugar levels, which were averaging in the 280s--380s, have come way down, ranging between 103 and 237 (right after meals). (May3, 2016)
For nearly a decade, I have lived with pain in my shoulders, the worst being in the rotator cuff on my right side. It was a result of an industrial accident. Within a few weeks, the pain deadened somewhat but I had a great deal of pain when I reached up -- which wasn't much fun when I had to change oil filters, which I was doing at the time.
But that, plus a number of other issues, put me on permanent disability. After turning 65. I could work if I could and I did some seasonal work for a few times while on the road from 2010 until last year. But the pain continued to worsen. I tried having steroids injected into my back. The first time I had some relief, the next time practically nothing. So the pain doctor referred me to a spinal surgeon, who in turn had me see a neurologist and an orthopedic surgeon. The orthopedist took an X-Ray and discovered there was some calcium build up by my rotator cuff which was the primary cause of the pain.
He said I'm not a candidate for surgery because of my diabetic condition. So he gave me a cortisone shot and that helped. A second one about a week ago further relieved the condition to a point I could comfortably swim and throw a ball -- which had been impossible since the original injury in 2004.
And then I had a couple of falls. The first one wasn't too bad really. I tripped on an old fashioned slate sidewalk in my home town of Morristown, and wound up landing on my stomach. I was on the way to the Mayo center at the old Community theater. A couple of people stopped and helped me up. I had the wind knocked out of me and my clothes were a mess, but I got away with a mild sprain to my left wrist. In a way, it was ironic. I used to jog along the sidewalk which was near the church I attended. It was also the first time in more than 59 years that I went to the theater, where I ushered in the 1960s.
A few days later, I had a fall that was much worse. While planting a garden, I tripped ontte a landsctape log and as I stumbled forward, I tripped over a six-inch slate wall in the garden. I wound up smashing my face into the wall and landing on both elbows. I needed Emily to help me get up. My left elbow was in incredible pain and my right elbow had some major abrasions. My face was also a mess, but no doubt somewhat improved.
The pain in the left elbow was such that I was unable to lie down to sleep. Any pressure from the bed resulted in jolting pain. So I slept on a recliner where I could simply drop both elbows over the edge.
This happened on a Saturday, so I was unable to see my doctor until Monday morning. He ordered X-Rays. There is no fracture, thank the Lord, but there is a bone bruise. It's going to take more time than the normal healing process. Again because of the diabetes.
So we had a talk about the diabetes. The last time I was in the Hospital in October, my sugar levels were off the scale. I had a stroke, followed by a cardiac incident and am now taking medicine for both. And diabetes could have been a contributing factor. My feet have gotten bad. They are numb on the balls of each foot and the numbness is sneaking up to my toes and the sides of my feet.
We discussed medication. My current meds do now work well. And the three alternative meds he proposed will cost me hundreds of dollars a month, even with some coverage by my prescription plan. I simply can't pay it. While insulin is a possible option, the chances I would gain another 15-20 pounds were good. We then discovered that for nearly two decades, I had been taking my current meds wrong. I took them in the morning and the evening. But I would take the a.m. doses around 8 a.m. and not have breakfast until 11 a.m. I was taking the p.m. doses before going to bed.
I was supposed to take the meds with food--breakfast and dinner. It is why I have been plagued with diarrhea (a major side effect of the medication) for some time. It has reached a point where it is violent and strong. Over the past year, I have been unable to go from the living room to the bathroom in time and have made enough messes that I have been considering adult diapers. I keep several back up pairs of underpants and towels to clean myself up as I often haven't been able to reach a public restroom in time.
So this morning I took the meds with breakfast. And a normal bowel movement followed. Same with this evening. I know, -- way too much information. But it was important.
So the diabetes, which was discovered back in 1985, has been a slow and silent killer. It often makes me dizzy and I lose my balance. I've lost teeth because of it. My heart has A-Fib symptoms, my blood pressure is high and I'm taking around 20 pills a day. Not to mention ED.
It's time to decide to change. Today, I got up and my blood sugars were over 300. Normal is around100. I got it down to 169 after spending two hours in the gym doing treadmill and bicycle. I walked two miles, cycled five miles and burned nearly 500 calories. And I have to keep that type of thing up, not to mention stop pigging out. There are days I have only one meal. I start eating around 9 a.m. and keep it up past midnight. it's called "grazing" and it's killing me.
So here's what I'm going to do. The people of Facebook are very important to me. Once a week, I'm going to list my weight. It will give me motivation to work out daily, not just once in a while. I have two 50th year high school reunions coming up. I intend to show up not being the complete mess I am now. Please wish me well.