Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Nixon's the one

In this brave new Republican world, I have suddenly realized that Richard Nixon would be a far superior candidate to any of the remaining GOP contestants --- not to mention those who have dropped out. Trump? Did you know the Brits call farts "trumps."

Trump vs. Obama, it is such a contrast. The hater compared to the reasoned intellectual. It seems like Karma is triumphant! For eight years we've had loudmouth, vicious group of people determined to oppose any and all proposals, no matter how reasonable. And now, America could get the epitome of this mindless opposition that has ripped us asunder in the White House.

As I recently saw on a post: “If Trump wins the election, it will be the first time in history that a billionaire moved into public housing vacated by a black family.”

Yes, I am seriously thinking of becoming  an ex-patriot. I have a friend who has lived for decades in Costa Rica. Canada is a better option, but I hate the cold. 

I am no big fan of Hillary either. But she will probably be the first woman president. It could be the first time in memory that someone could win every state. But somehow we are in a political mess that has never been seen in our history. I began voting in 1968. The bottom line for me has always been that I will vote for the candidate who has the most integrity, no matter what their politics. How can I make a choice?

A few quotes from my son's Facebook posts:
"I'd like to remind everyone that voting for the devil you know is still voting for the devil. That is all"
" I could be talking about some carpetbagging bitch who deliberately used our state as stepping stone to get where she's at now or some billionaire douche that campaigned to kick a little old lady out of her house to build some shitty building. I just find it offensive that certain campaigns keep saying "New Yorkers KNOW this candidate". Yeah we know them real good... as complete fucking assholes. Not naming names or anything. Just pointing out that they seem to think us New Yorkers are the stupidest people in the nation."
Matt -- You have expressed it far better than I could.